With both MScs in translation and experience translating, we are highly qualified French-to-English translators. We are happy to translate any type of content, but our specializations lie in translating for the financial, marketing, legal, and tourism sectors.
As members of the American Translators Association and other translation networks, we are happy to provide you with a referral if you require translations in other languages or interpretation services.
Transcreation refers to the creative side of translation. It is most often used for marketing clients, who provide us with a creative brief including ideas of the message they would like to convey to their audience, rather than a set source text to work from. For example, if a marketing campaign is built around a theme or a concept such as "our product is out of this world", we would then work from your slogans and taglines in French to create a space-themed campaign in English. Transcreation can also be critical to localized marketing, because it takes into account the different context and therefore the potential reactions of the English-speaking audience, which may be vastly different from those of the Francophone audience. This important step helps ensure resonance in the target market.
We offer both monolingual (English only) and bilingual (French-to-English) proofreading, which is sometimes referred to as "editing". In this case, we would take the original French document alongside the English translation and check for accuracy in the translation as well as any spelling or grammatical errors.